Changeset [6b208d138c6b0cd7a7cb32d1e335ccf0ceb19bff] by Steve Kenworthy

November 20th, 2012 @ 08:19 PM

Renamed 'outline' to 'view' everywhere. Refactored templates so that default view is shown if no other view is found. View buttons only show if there are 2 or more views registered for this context.

Committed by Steve Kenworthy

  • A app/views/contacts/_index_brief.html.haml
  • A app/views/contacts/_index_full.html.haml
  • R app/views/accounts/_section_extra.html.haml
  • R app/views/accounts/_section_general.html.haml
  • R app/views/accounts/_sections.html.haml
  • R app/views/campaigns/_section_extra.html.haml
  • R app/views/campaigns/_section_general.html.haml
  • R app/views/campaigns/_sections.html.haml
  • R app/views/contacts/_contact_long.html.haml
  • R app/views/contacts/_contact_brief.html.haml
  • R app/views/contacts/_contact_full.html.haml
  • R app/views/contacts/_sections.html.haml
  • M app/assets/javascripts/
  • M app/controllers/entities_controller.rb
  • M app/helpers/application_helper.rb
  • M app/models/entities/account.rb
  • M app/models/entities/campaign.rb
  • M app/models/entities/contact.rb
  • M app/models/entities/lead.rb
  • M app/models/entities/opportunity.rb
  • M app/views/accounts/_account.html.haml
  • M app/views/accounts/show.html.haml
  • M app/views/campaigns/_campaign.html.haml
  • M app/views/campaigns/show.html.haml
  • M app/views/contacts/_contact.html.haml
  • M app/views/contacts/show.html.haml
  • M app/views/entities/_title_bar.html.haml
  • M app/views/fields/_sidebar_show.html.haml
  • M app/views/leads/_lead.html.haml
  • M app/views/leads/show.html.haml
  • M app/views/opportunities/_opportunity.html.haml
  • M app/views/opportunities/show.html.haml
  • M config/initializers/views.rb
  • M config/locales/en-US_fat_free_crm.yml
  • M config/settings.default.yml
  • M lib/fat_free_crm/view_factory.rb
  • M spec/helpers/application_helper_spec.rb
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