Changeset [75497906d6d29f9a4e5a05acf91c7619c5831a10] by Steve Kenworthy

August 17th, 2012 @ 01:05 AM

Added pair_id to field table. Admin interface can create/update paired custom fields.

Committed by Steve Kenworthy

  • A app/views/admin/fields/_pairs.html.haml
  • A db/migrate/20120801032706_add_pair_id_to_fields.rb
  • M app/controllers/admin/fields_controller.rb
  • M app/helpers/fields_helper.rb
  • M app/models/fields/field.rb
  • M app/views/admin/field_groups/_field_group.html.haml
  • M app/views/admin/fields/_top_section.html.haml
  • M config/locales/en-US_fat_free_crm.yml
  • M db/schema.rb
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