Changeset [7645df7135a5a490e3835952f3fc9f9cf99de513] by Philipp Ullmann

May 14th, 2012 @ 11:27 PM

Manually merged pull request "Added address info to xls export"

Committed by Philipp Ullmann

  • A app/views/accounts/index.xls.builder
  • A app/views/contacts/index.xls.builder
  • A app/views/layouts/header.xls.builder
  • A app/views/leads/index.xls.builder
  • M app/controllers/entities/accounts_controller.rb
  • M app/controllers/entities/contacts_controller.rb
  • M app/controllers/entities/leads_controller.rb
  • M config/locales/de_fat_free_crm.yml
  • M config/locales/en-US_fat_free_crm.yml
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