Changeset [a9417edb9a451bf0f29bac9e31fa0f061defa3ae] by Steve Kenworthy

December 11th, 2012 @ 12:18 AM

Removed date_select_popup references. The javascript for this has already been replaced with jQuery which doesn't require explicit function calling.

Committed by Steve Kenworthy

  • M app/views/leads/convert.js.rjs
  • M app/views/leads/promote.js.rjs
  • M app/views/opportunities/create.js.rjs
  • M app/views/opportunities/edit.js.rjs
  • M app/views/opportunities/new.js.rjs
  • M app/views/opportunities/update.js.rjs
  • M app/views/tasks/create.js.rjs
  • M app/views/tasks/edit.js.rjs
  • M app/views/tasks/new.js.rjs
  • M app/views/tasks/update.js.rjs
  • M spec/views/leads/convert.rjs_spec.rb
  • M spec/views/leads/promote.rjs_spec.rb
  • M spec/views/opportunities/create.rjs_spec.rb
  • M spec/views/opportunities/new.rjs_spec.rb
  • M spec/views/tasks/create.rjs_spec.rb
  • M spec/views/tasks/new.rjs_spec.rb
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