Changeset [bbe34ac06dd8351d8b83672170d9935472a2db31] by Steve Kenworthy

November 10th, 2012 @ 01:40 AM

Created ViewFactory class so that views for index and show can be registered with FatFreeCRM. This will allow plugins to register additional views that can be used to display search results or present entities. Contacts defined with defaults view of brief, full and long.

Committed by Steve Kenworthy

  • A app/assets/javascripts/
  • A app/assets/stylesheets/format_buttons.css.scss
  • A app/views/contacts/_contact_brief.html.haml
  • A app/views/contacts/_contact_full.html.haml
  • A app/views/contacts/_contact_long.html.haml
  • A config/initializers/views.rb
  • A lib/fat_free_crm/view_factory.rb
  • A spec/lib/view_factory_spec.rb
  • R app/views/entities/_format_buttons.html.haml
  • M app/assets/javascripts/application.js.erb
  • M app/assets/stylesheets/advanced_search.css.scss
  • M app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.erb
  • M app/controllers/entities/accounts_controller.rb
  • M app/controllers/entities/campaigns_controller.rb
  • M app/controllers/entities/contacts_controller.rb
  • M app/controllers/entities/leads_controller.rb
  • M app/controllers/entities/opportunities_controller.rb
  • M app/controllers/entities_controller.rb
  • M app/helpers/application_helper.rb
  • M app/views/contacts/_contact.html.haml
  • M app/views/entities/_advanced_search.html.haml
  • M app/views/entities/_title_bar.html.haml
  • M lib/fat_free_crm.rb
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