#1461 new
rachle green2

The Future of AI in Photo Editing: Should You Choose a Human or a Machine?

Reported by rachle green2 | October 18th, 2024 @ 09:45 PM | in 0.9.10 "Alekhine"

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools are becoming increasingly powerful in the world of photo editing, but how do they compare to human editors? In this thread, let’s explore the pros and cons of AI-driven editing services versus traditional human photo editors. Have you tried an AI photo editing service, and how did the results compare to working with a professional editor? Share your thoughts on when AI might be more suitable (e.g., bulk editing, simple tasks) and when human expertise is necessary for achieving creative, high-quality results.

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  • phil3

    phil3 October 19th, 2024 @ 03:12 AM

    The future of AI in photo editing offers impressive speed and outsource ghost mannequin image editing services automation, allowing for quick enhancements and corrections. However, human editors bring creativity, nuance, and a personalized touch that AI lacks. While machines excel in efficiency, humans provide artistic vision and attention to detail. Ultimately, the choice depends on whether you prioritize speed or artistic expertise in your photo editing needs.

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