I don't see any way to create a list of people that you can do
things with like, batch changes, export csv, send a mass email,
make a mass note? Like in a list of contacts or oppurtunities there
is nothing to allow multiple selections. Along the same line the
ability to save a list, and or save a query would be great. Also I
haven't seen the ability to have complex queries.
In my mind ideally the universal seach field up on the top right
corner would allow more complex queries with multiple fields and as
you typed the quiry it would sugest in a drop down multiple options
regarding fields, potential field searches boolean combinations
etc. Then if I got a great query i intend to use a lot there would
be a button to save this query and those saved queries would be
available as a drop down/ autosugest optoin in the universal search
form that is there now.